This Switch Accessory Turns Your Games Into Toast
In a manner of speaking.
This is something you never knew you needed: A mini toaster Switch cartridge holder. Coming in five colorways, this mini toaster is truly mini. It can only hold two Switch carts and fits neatly into a palm. It's currently a lightning deal over at Amazon for only $7 instead of $8.

The mini toaster is functional. Purchasers can press the lever, and the cartridges will go down and be held within the toaster. (There is, of course, no actual heat or "toasting" going on.) It can be an ornament on your desk, or also a paper weight, used to also hold the two Switch games you reach for frequently.
Note that the black and white option is usually $9, a dollar more than the other colors, but it's also only $7 right now. If you own the black and white Switch, it would be a perfect complement to your console.
For any gamers in your life, the mini toaster Switch cartridge holder would be a great stocking stuffer. For more holiday gift ideas, check our articles on the discounted Xbox Series S and discounted Game Awards nominees on Steam.
In more related deals news, we've got lists of December's free PlayStation games and December's new Xbox Game Pass games for players to check out.
The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. GameSpot may get a share of the revenue if you buy anything featured on our site.
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