Devil May Cry 5 Voice Actor Brad Venable Has Died, Receives Tributes From Peers
The voice actor's prolific career included roles in Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and World of Warcraft.
The voice actor's prolific career included roles in Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and World of Warcraft.
Wield Yamato, Beowulf, Mirage Blade, and powerful Devil Trigger forms as Vergil takes on all 20 Missions, Secret Missions and the brutal Bloody Palace!
Dante's rebellious brother is ready to slay some demons on the older generations of console and PC.
Devil May Cry 5 is getting new life in this special edition coming to the PS5 on launch day.
The world of Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition is brought to life with the latest Ray Tracing technology, powered by PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.
Time to get motivated! Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition launches THIS WEEK digitally on Next Gen consoles, featuring Dante, Nero, V and Vergil as playable characters! DMC5SE also includes ...
2019's over-the-top action game, Devil May Cry 5 returns to next-gen consoles. In this video we compare the Xbox Series X version to the Series S version.
Devil May Cry V: Special Edition is one of the first next-gen exclusives across both new consoles that can be tested.
The launch trailer for the special edition of Devil May Cry 5 features J-rock, katana-swinging, and a perennial sibling rivalry.
Enhanced reflections and lighting bring a new sheen to Capcom's character action title for next-gen consoles.
One major new feature coming to Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition will not be available on Xbox's less-powerful console.
Capcom's special edition of its demon-slaying game has visual spectacle or peak performance modes for you to choose from.
Japanese YouTubers got to play the PS5, and we even got a better feel for how large the system is.
Capcom's special edition won't be earning any Stylish rank points for its cover art.
Learn more details about Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition on Next-Gen, and get more insight into Resident Evil Village on Capcom's Livestream at TGS 2020.
If you want it, you'll have to pay for the DLC.
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