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Does Sony Care About Its Back Catalog? | Console Crew

Kurt Indovina joins the Console Crew to talk about the week that was for both Xbox and PlayStation, specifically in regards to Microsoft changing the name of Xbox Live and the reports that Sony will be shutting down the PS3, PSP, and PS Vita stores.

The Console Crew is back, with a new face temporarily joining its ranks. Kurt Indovina steps in to host the show while Lucy is away, joining Tamoor and Jordan to discuss the biggest console-related events of the week.

The trio start with a discussion about Xbox Live, which is now called Xbox network. The name change seems to precede plans that Microsoft has for transforming Xbox Live Gold, as Xbox Insiders are reporting that they've begun testing online multiplayer for free-to-play games, Looking 4 Groups, and party chat without the need to pay for them.

Following all the Xbox talk, the group dives into a conversation about video game preservation, especially in the light of reports that Sony may be closing the online stores for PS3, PSP, and PS Vita. Tamoor gets a tad heated about it.

Console Crew is your weekly Friday roundup of the biggest news from PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo, hosted by Lucy James, Tamoor Hussain, and Jordan Ramée. Subscribe to to never miss an episode.