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Xbox Series X/S: One Year Later

Happy birthday to the Xbox Series X and S! In this special episode of Generation Next/Console Crew, Lucy, Tamoor, and Jordan chat about the highs and lows of the Xbox Series' first year, including Game Pass, exclusive games, and acquiring Bethesda.

Tamoor, Jordan, and Lucy are back for a very special episode of Generation Next/Console Crew to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Xbox Series X and S.

In the video above, the gang discuss the biggest Xbox news from the year, from game announcements to the acquisition of Bethesda Games Studios and the subsequent exclusives to look forward to. They also chat about how they use their Xboxes in their day-to-day lives, discussing everything from their favorite Xbox exclusives from the past year, and the quality of life changes that have impacted them the most (spoilers: it's absolutely the Quick Resume feature), to the improvements they'd like to see from the second year of the consoles.

November 12 marks the one-year anniversary of the PlayStation 5, so make sure to come back for an episode about that console's first year too.