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PlayStation 5: One Year Later

Happy birthday to the PlayStation 5! In this special episode of Console Crew/Generation Next, Lucy, Tamoor, and Jordan discuss the PS5's first year, including exclusive titles like Demon's Souls and Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

The gang are back again for another special episode of Console Crew/Generation Next. This time, Lucy, Tamoor, and Jordan are discussing the PlayStation 5's birthday.

On its first anniversary, the gang discusses the highs and lows of the console's first year, including its lineup of exclusive games such as Deathloop, Returnal, and Demon's Souls. They also spend time discussing the console's tech, and how the PS5 fits into their daily lives: from gaming and multimedia to how they use it to socialise. They also discuss the PS5's storage issues and the gamechanger that is 3D Audio.

November 10 marked the one-year anniversary of the Xbox Series X/S, so make sure to check out the other episode of the show about that console's first year too.