I’m likely a bit older than the mens on the board. Here’s what I’ve learned. I’ll probably get flamed but I’ll live:
-you must ask her out. This may be the 21st century where women are more empowered and liberated but 99% of women expect the mens to make the first move.
-you must plan the date. Women prefer mens to take control and lead, the only thing you should ask her is for food allergies.
-please dress well. I get that most American mens are slobs who don’t know how to dress themselves but please show some sartorial effort because I guarantee that the woman will put a lot of effort into how she looks for the date.
-you must pay. I don’t care who asked who, who initiated what, but mens should pay for the first date. Women want mens who are protectors and providers and an easy way to show that you are is to pay for dates.
-nothing expensive or extravagant for the first date. No Morton’s or Ruth’s Chris because you will seem like a try hard. Pick someplace classy but not too much. Oh and nothing heavy like Thai, Mexican, or Italian food and no restaurants where you eat with your hands like Korean.
-the first 1-3 dates are the evaluation period for women. They are watching you like a hawk and coldly evaluating everything you say and do. Watch your table manners, use proper English (no meme speak), treat the service staff with respect, etc. Oh and contrary to recent popular belief, women do not want to see your weird quirks or emotions on the first 1-3 dates. Don’t talk about your $100,000 Pokémon card collection or start crying about your dead dog or how mean your dad was to you.
-the first date is a high stakes poker game. Do not show your hand too early. Talk about yourself but hold back on your entire life story. Women like mysterious men and if she figures you out too early, she loses interest.
-follow the 60/40 rule. You talk 40% of the time, listen 60% of the time, and pay close attention to what she says. Women like to talk about themselves and this will save you the hassle of devising new topics.
-follow the “not too much” rule. Compliment her… but not too much. Make eye contact with her… but not too much. Try to make her laugh… but not too much. If it’s going well, initiate physical contact… but not too much.
-do not plan the second date during the first date. Women like the excitement of the pursuit and chase and it never hurts to leave them wondering if you like them (but this only works if they like you). Like Seinfeld said, always leave them wanting more. Don’t be too eager, needy, desperate or available, do the second date the next weekend at the earliest.
If this thread is well received, I will post a follow up with green and red flags that mens should watch for.
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