Hello friends,
Time for new Lounge as I got permission from @davillain.

Lets talk about games, movies, anything.
I would like to remind everyone that Elden Ring is an incredible game.
I would like to remind that Starfield will turn out masterpiece and bethesda haters proven to be wrong.
I would like to remind everyone that Elden Ring is an incredible game.
I would like to remind that Starfield will turn out masterpiece and bethesda haters proven to be wrong.
Why are you telling this to me? I am defending Starfield against all the Bethesda haters.
I would like to remind everyone that Elden Ring is an incredible game.
I would like to remind that Starfield will turn out masterpiece and bethesda haters proven to be wrong.
We still don't know jacked about Starfield and anyone hyping that game is a false statement until we see gameplay first...at least.
I would like to remind everyone that Elden Ring is an incredible game.
I would like to remind that Starfield will turn out masterpiece and bethesda haters proven to be wrong.
We still don't know jacked about Starfield and anyone hyping that game is a false statement until we see gameplay first...at least.
As i have said many times on SW, all you need to know is that Bethesda is trying their hardest for Starfield to be as successful as ES and Fallout. You don't put effort into the first in the series, and its done. You think CDPR didn't want CP2078? But now its just not a thing that will happen because they ruined the first in the series. Plus, Bethesda is taking their sweet ass time with Starfield, so i don't think we'll be getting a rushed title.
I want Starfield to be good. But it being a Bethesda game, coupled with the lack of any information has me worried. We got far more footage and coverage of CP 2077, and they somehow covered up how much of a disaster the game was. Starfield gives me me worse vibes. Like the game is being hyped to the moon, and there’s no way it can meet it. I guess it’s more accurate to say we‘re setting up Starfield to be the next No Man’s Sky… I hope I’m wrong though.
NAS speeds were good for a month, after replacing the power supply. Then I uploaded 4 GB of files (I never upload anything from the NAS.) and not an hour later the speeds started falling randomly from 113 Mbps to 20 Mbps. Wonder if the slow upload speeds being extended over two to three hours put stress on the hard drive array. Depressing having to deal with this again.
I dislike manly man, badass, hardcore games like Doom, Stalker, Deus Ex ETC.
I prefer girly, weebo, easy games as Yakuza, Final Fantasy, GTA.
That Quake: Remaster really was a gift in a modern age where every publisher is a grifting piece of shit.
So polished and improved without messing up the visuals (like GTA), with all the expansions as well as a bunch of pre-packaged new content. And recently hoard mod and disability options.
Had the original, shit was completely free. Dope.
Does anyone on SW play this degenerate Chinese malware? Its crazy that these kind of games can be so successful.
Two more outages today. Each one to two seconds. Worst electrical grid I've ever lived on, and I've lived on A LOT of grids. Finally succumbed and bought a UPS. Pisses me off that I have to spend that kind of money to protect my data. Won't even be used for my PC, it will be out in the living room, for the damn NAS.
The other chapters in Blood are bit better, doesn't fix the problems.
Still think this game is mad overrated. .
The other chapters in Blood are bit better, doesn't fix the problems.
Still think this game is mad overrated. .
Medal of honor allied assault is most overrated PC FPS.
it ruined FPS genre. started whole walking in straight line scripted trash. its something warmblur praise as definitive FPS experience.
The other chapters in Blood are bit better, doesn't fix the problems.
Still think this game is mad overrated. .
Medal of honor allied assault is most overrated PC FPS.
it ruined FPS genre.started whole walking in straight line scripted trash. its something warmblur praise as definitive FPS experience.
Damn Ghost you are obsessed with me also if you to want blame scripted scenes blame Half Life it's the one that started it. You also praise COD 2 which was extremely dumbed down compared to Allied Assault.
The other chapters in Blood are bit better, doesn't fix the problems.
Still think this game is mad overrated. .
Medal of honor allied assault is most overrated PC FPS.
it ruined FPS genre.started whole walking in straight line scripted trash. its something warmblur praise as definitive FPS experience.
Damn Ghost you are obsessed with me also if you to want blame scripted scenes blame Half Life it's the one that started it. You also praise COD 2 which was extremely dumbed down compared to Allied Assault.
COD2 has more mission variety than allied assault. you have british campaign and soviet campaign. its mission design is more open and if playing on veteran its very challenging.
try playing COD2 on veteran. you die at only 1 or 2 shot.
Turok 2 level design is so fucking weird.
Instead of a key-hunt for 3-4, lets add a billion, and place them within 4 feet of each other.
The other chapters in Blood are bit better, doesn't fix the problems.
Still think this game is mad overrated. .
Medal of honor allied assault is most overrated PC FPS.
it ruined FPS genre.started whole walking in straight line scripted trash. its something warmblur praise as definitive FPS experience.
Damn Ghost you are obsessed with me also if you to want blame scripted scenes blame Half Life it's the one that started it. You also praise COD 2 which was extremely dumbed down compared to Allied Assault.
COD2 has more mission variety than allied assault. you have british campaign and soviet campaign. its mission design is more open and if playing on veteran its very challenging.
try playing COD2 on veteran. you die at only 1 or 2 shot.
Meh, no matter anyway you slice it COD2 is still shallow you can have all the mission variety you want but at the end of the day the gameplay still sucks compared to MOHAA.
The other chapters in Blood are bit better, doesn't fix the problems.
Still think this game is mad overrated. .
I tried to get into Blood but yeah it wasn't for me ether. I was never a fan of its level design.
Yea The sprites and AI simply break at times.
Gargoyles, practically every single encounter, player can't look directly vertically up, and because it's a 2D sprite it turns into clunky mess trying to hit it. And it won't land until the player moves to a certain position in the map.
So, instead of an awesome combat arena, just trying to trigger fucking thing into trailing you at ground level.
Get all these weapons, think "wow gonna be awesome creative like Duke3D".
But na, because the game is so insistent on hit-scan enemies getting the jump, the best thing to do is just, use the sawn-off shotgun alt-double fire, which kills almost anything with 1-hit, peak corner, bang, peak corner bang, ect.. etc.. etc... All the other weapons become obsolete barring maybe the flare gun.
Gotta say, Turok 2s combat, regardless of weird ass level design is comparatively dope. It's AI reminds me alot of Unreal, but it hasn't got the Unreal problem of your gun feeling like you're throwing paper-airplanes. Even when crank it up to hardcore with more bullet-spongy enemy the death animations are a thing of beauty, completely over the top.
Kinda just wish the game dropped to do X thing, they all just amount to key-hunting spam where it's volume rather than good exploration.
Nightdive done a great job, no surprise, always do.
@warmblur: The gameplay suck??? Its exact same gunplay. Same people made cod2 made mohaa.
Level design and vareity matters. You only play handful of games my friennd.
@warmblur: The gameplay suck??? Its exact same gunplay. Same people made cod2 made mohaa.
Level design and vareity matters. You only play handful of games my friennd.
I'm aware it's the same dev team but the gameplay is bit different COD2 is more faster pace to MOHAA and it has health regen yuck I own both games btw. Also when did you start caring about variety? lol your favorite Far Cry is 2 which has basically has no variety same goes for Mafia 1.
@warmblur: The gameplay suck??? Its exact same gunplay. Same people made cod2 made mohaa.
Level design and vareity matters. You only play handful of games my friennd.
I'm aware it's the same dev team but the gameplay is bit different COD2 is more faster pace to MOHAA and it has health regen yuck I own both games btw. Also when did you start caring about variety? lol your favorite Far Cry is 2 which has basically has no variety same goes for Mafia 1.
COD2 was fast paced?? what? it was slow as allied assault. guess you never played Quake. FPS need to be fast paced.
it has regen health? try it on veteran it offer more challenge than allied assault when you die on 1 shot.
There is no such thing as dumbed down from Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. That game was already a dumb people game.
Dumbed down to allied assault?? that would be new low. Allied assault was far less dynamic than Halo let alone other PC shooters.
Can't remember much of MOH, been about 25 odd years or some shit.
Basically just remember the Omaha beach and everyone at the time was like "Wow it's just like the movie!", but sure if went back today probably be quite shite.
Inspired countless MP maps as well of "beach rushes" (none of them good)
There is no such thing as dumbed down from Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. That game was already a dumb people game.
Guess you never played COD or any modern shooters. MOHAA MP takes more skill then any COD ever made same goes for Halo. You don't have regen health holding your hand if you die in one round you can't respawn. The game is twenty years old but still destroys all the modern dumbed down shooters of today. It doesn't rely on stupid weapon unlocks that are worthless no gimmicks or lootboxes needed just the weapons that you are given.
There is no such thing as dumbed down from Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. That game was already a dumb people game.
Guess you never played COD or any modern shooters. MOHAA MP takes more skill then any COD ever made same goes for Halo. You don't have regen health holding your hand if you die in one round you can't respawn. The game is twenty years old but still destroys all the modern dumbed down shooters of today. It doesn't rely on stupid weapon unlocks that are worthless no gimmicks or lootboxes needed just the weapons that you are given.
MOHAA better than Doom, Doom Eternal, Prey, Deathloop, Metro series??
Health regen doesnot exist today in FPS. its so 7th gen. you dont PLAY VIDEO GAMES at all my friend.
It was dumb game. 20 years ago. you claim to like 00 games but you only play handful of games.
heres superior 00s WW2 game.
It was console game yet it was realistic and tactical shooter and require more depth and tactics than MOHAA.
you have missed so many great 00s FPS games.
There is no such thing as dumbed down from Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. That game was already a dumb people game.
Guess you never played COD or any modern shooters. MOHAA MP takes more skill then any COD ever made same goes for Halo. You don't have regen health holding your hand if you die in one round you can't respawn. The game is twenty years old but still destroys all the modern dumbed down shooters of today. It doesn't rely on stupid weapon unlocks that are worthless no gimmicks or lootboxes needed just the weapons that you are given.
MOHAA better than Doom, Doom Eternal, Prey, Deathloop, Metro series??
Health regen doesnot exist today in FPS. its so 7th gen. you dont PLAY VIDEO GAMES at all my friend.
It was dumb game. 20 years ago. you claim to like 00 games but you only play handful of games.
heres superior 00s WW2 game.
It was console game yet it was realistic and tactical shooter and require more depth and tactics than MOHAA.
you have missed so many great 00s FPS games.
I didn't miss shit stop making things up and I know what Brothers in arms is. The fact that you defend Halo and COD 2 over a classic PC title is all I need to know.
Even your boy Mac knows what's up
I didn't miss shit stop making things up
Really? lets talk about 00s FPS.
Have you played Riddick EFBB?
Have you played Soldier of fortune 1 and 2?
Have you played RTCW?
Have you played STALKER?
Have you played Deus Ex 1?
Have you played System shock 2?
I can go on and on. you only played 4 5 mainstream games or heard of them. 00s was full of masterpieces FPS but you most likely missed most of them.
I didn't miss shit stop making things up and I know what Brothers in arms is. The fact that you defend Halo and COD 2 over a classic PC title is all I need to know.
of course COD2 and Halo 1 were better titles. thats why i defend them? PC classic??
this is PC classic over Quake, Doom, Half life, Unreal, Thief, System shock, Deus Ex??? its disgrace of being called PC classic when those console games have more depth.
this the reason why no one cares about MOHAA. its PC spinoff from console series.
Even your boy Mac knows what's up
Yeah LOL.
worth a buy praise both games.
I didn't miss shit stop making things up
Really? lets talk about 00s FPS.
Have you played Riddick EFBB?
Have you played Soldier of fortune 1 and 2?
Have you played RTCW?
Have you played STALKER?
Have you played Deus Ex 1?
Have you played System shock 2?
I can go on and on. you only played 4 5 mainstream games or heard of them. 00s was full of masterpieces FPS but you most likely missed most of them.
I didn't miss shit stop making things up and I know what Brothers in arms is. The fact that you defend Halo and COD 2 over a classic PC title is all I need to know.
of course COD2 and Halo 1 were better titles. thats why i defend them? PC classic??
my friend, you cant proven me wrong or debate.
English is not my language yet I can debate better than you.
my friend, you cant proven me wrong or debate.
English is not my language yet I can debate better than you.
There is no debate you praise Halo and COD 2 which are responsible for the dumbing down of FPS. You also think you are not a mainstream gamer but yet you defend a kiddie FPS like Halo and shit over PC classics like MOHAA and Battlefield 2 which actually takes skill to play people not AI you can keep pretending you are not a casual have fun. It's ashamed you missed out when PC MP gaming was in it's prime but what does it matter anyways you only play against AI lol. You are to afraid to get owned online where the real skill takes place. This back and forth is getting tiring sorry that you lost sticking up for a kiddie FPS with regen health I'm done thanks for the laughs.
my friend, you cant proven me wrong or debate.
English is not my language yet I can debate better than you.
There is no debate you praise Halo and COD 2 which are responsible for the dumbing down of FPS. You also think you are not a mainstream gamer but yet you defend a kiddie FPS like Halo and shit over PC classics like MOHAA and Battlefield 2 which actually takes skill to play people not AI you can keep pretending you are not a casual have fun. It's ashamed you missed out when PC MP gaming was in it's prime but what does it matter anyways you only play against AI lol. You are to afraid to get owned online where the real skill takes place. This back and forth is getting tiring sorry that you lost sticking up for a kiddie FPS with regen health I'm done thanks for the laughs.
I call them better than MOHAA. not praise.
not a fan of Halo but COD2 was excellent. its 20 year old game almost. you are criticizing it. Its PC title. release on console later. its praised by most of PC gamers.
plus I mention bunch of games you dont reply back because you may never heard of these games.
why its matter if MOHAA is PC game or console game when other games are better than this.
you pretend to be hardcore gamer but only play handful of games i count on my fingers.
you also praise old prey which is casual game where you dont die over Arkane's Prey. i mean really!. Arkanes prey is hardcore immersive sim.
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